turbo bypass valve for auto box?

Ken Keith auditude at neta.com
Thu Nov 30 08:21:16 EST 2000

I was also wondering if there is any loss of pressure from having 
the stock Bosch bypass valve, and if there would be any benefit to 
running two of them in parallel?

I know some crazy turbos run more than one blowoff valve, and 
there some of those HKS Supras and stuff that have two airflow 
meters and intake filters (or maybe that's a Skyline).

Would there be any benefit to running two valves, since adding one 
is a custom job anyway?

If I were to speculate on the auto tranny question, I think it would 
surely help.  The operation of the turbo and the throttle body 
closing is independent of the tranny's operation, isn't it?  I might be 
more for the health of the turbo and the seals in the intake system, 
unless you are going to stomp on the gas immediately after letting 

I thought autos used a 1.5 bar upgrade or something, to keep from 
overstressing the already frail tranny, no?



p.s.  Where's the cheapest place to get a plastic (well, other types 
I'm also interested in) bypass valve?

Ameer Antar <ameer at snet.net> wrote:
> If I do a 1.8 bar upgrade, is it worthwhile to use a bypass valve. I 
> thought it would be important when I let go of the gas after pushing the 
> pedal a lot. any advice? thanks.
> -ameer

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