A-6 as a fad

William J Murin murin at uwp.edu
Thu Nov 30 10:15:58 EST 2000

> Personally, I hope that is 1,000 percent true! Once the "fad" is over,
> there are going to be a lot of rather new-ish low mileage A-6s out there
> available cheap because now they are "out" - last year's fad. When people
> buy cars based on non-automotive reasons, as soon as the reality of the car
> intrudes (leaky racks, electrical problems, it costs HOW MUCH to change the
> timing belt???), they will sell them very quickly, and at unusually low
> prices. Then they move on to the next fad.
> This allows us to buy these cars, which WE know about, understand
> (somewhat) and can actually fix (sometimes) for very reasonable money.

Works for me.  My '00 Boxster will come off of lease about then & I'll be
looking to drive something far more sensible and friendlier to my
increasingly aged body.

Bill Murin
once upon a time : '75 Fox, '85 5k, 
'874kcsq, '89 100q

'00 Boxster (silver)

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