V6-12V lifter problem ?

Damien Gaboury damien_gaboury at uqac.uquebec.ca
Thu Nov 30 13:50:30 EST 2000

I really need help.
I have a problem with the no 2 cylinder on the V6 -12V (AAH engine). The spark becomes fouled with carbon very quickly (in less that 10 km drive). I drive the car with strong engine vibrations at idle and between idle and 3000 rpm since 3 weeks.

 Here are the parameters:

- Resistance of injector = OK

- Impulsion on the injector = OK

- Compression of the cylinder no 2 = 130 psi (checked by my mechanic)

- Coil resistance = OK

- Spark plug new (Bosch)

- Plug wire new (Bosch)

- Fire at the spark.

Yesterday night, I swapped the injector (hoping for a leaking injector) of the bad cylinder with another in order to check if the problem follows the injector and hence, being simply related to a worn injector. Result: no. The problem is still at the same cylinder.

Following that new information, the guest of my mechanic is that the problem is related to a bad hydraulic lifter. It is possible to have good compression in the cylinder with bad filter ?

Is it possible to check for the lifter condition simply by removing the valve cover?

Any tips will be greatly appreciated to solve that weird problem and for sure costly problem.

Damien Gaboury, PhD
Scientifique de recherche
Consortium de Recherche en Exploration Minérale (CONSOREM)
Université du Québec à Chicoutimi
555 Boul. de l'Université, Chicoutimi, Qc, Canada, G7H 2B1
e-mail: damien_gaboury at uqac.uquebec.ca
Visitez notre site web: http://depcom.uqac.uquebec.ca/consorem

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