Counterpoint to replacement of trans fluid at at
Mon Oct 2 20:26:18 EDT 2000

> I'm also curious about this, and I was also wondering how you check the levels
> of tranny fluid.  Mine has a dip stick tube, but just a red cap on the top.
> Should there be a dip stick, or is this something where they expect you to go to
> the dealer for?

Yes, they do - but you can buy a dipstick as a spare part.  Try part
# 018 321 431D.

>> Recently, I spoke to one of the two V8Q factory trained wrenches employed at
>> a local dealership regarding replacement of the transmission fluid and
>> filter.  I indicated I was leaning towards synthetic ATF.  His response was
>> interesting, saying that he did not recommend replacement of the trans fluid
>> on these cars (unless the car has very low mileage), only checking and
>> topping off the fluid level.  His rationale was that over time, the
>> thickening of the original fluid and resulting "varnish" tends to hold all
>> the pieces together, compensating somewhat for a slight increase in
>> tolerances with age.  Introducing new fluid, he believes, may have been
>> responsible for a car developing trans problems shortly after fluid
>> replacement.

Why was the new fluid introduced in the first place?  Was the owner
becoming suspicious?  In that event, failure shortly afterwards
should be no surprise.

 Phil Payne
 UK Audi quattro Owners Club
 Phone +44 7785 302803   Fax: +44 7785 309674

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