tire thread (Bridgestones?)

Doyt W. Echelberger Doyt at nwonline.net
Tue Oct 3 16:15:17 EDT 2000

Eric Kissell asks: Can I say anything bad about Bridgestone RE930?   I am 
on my 3d set of Bridgestone Potenza RE930 tires, and can report that they 
have stayed round and have retained their balance while providing adequate 
traction under most conditions encountered in a 4 season state (Ohio.)   I 
do not drive them on a track.  My demands are moderate and conservative, a 
condition imposed by several years of traffic tickets for speeding, after 
becoming an Audi enthusiast. My sanity has returned and my highway behavior 
is under control.

My only worry is that in a used condition they might not provide adequate 
traction on wet roads in an emergency stop from legal highway speed.   This 
only happened once, but it was memorable.   As a result, I might consider 
another brand at the next replacement.

Wet traction and snow traction have become more important to me, and this 
year I am going with 4 new Blizzaks or some such, on their own wheels for 
easy switching in the spring and fall. Haven't decided on the hot weather 
tires yet. They probably won't be the RE930's.

So, Eric, perhaps I have said something bad about the Bridgestones, as you 
requested, if being an adequate and long-lasting trouble free tire for most 
moderate driving situations is a bad thing. It took years and an emergency 
to discover their mediocre wet traction when they have some mileage on 
them. I would have been smarter to have run them on a track, and tested 
their upper limits like some other responders.

Doyt Echelberger
87 5kcstq

At 09:48 AM 10/3/00 -0400, you wrote:
On Mon, 2 Oct 2000, Douglas Frank wanted tire info:
Mark Chang and others responded:
 >Dunlop D60A2 JLB.
Wouldn't the Dunlop SP Sport 5000 for $64 or the Bridgestone
Potenza RE930 for $60 be better choices ,,,,,,,,,,,,snip,,,,

Does anyone have any bad things to say about the SP5000 or
RE930?              Eric R. Kissell

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