Help! Clutch problem

Erik Addy erik at
Wed Oct 4 11:03:38 EDT 2000


After finally getting my suspension back together, I am now having a
cluch problem.

Backround:  Car has been on stands for about 8 months.  Before that, 2
or 3 times, the clutch pedal would stick partly in the "down/in"

Now:  On my way back from the allignment, it started sticking every
time.  I can lift the pedal, but when I press back down on it, there is
no resistance until it reaches where it was before I lifted it.  Also,
the clutch is not disengaging all the way.  In fact, to get into reverse
I had to shut it off, engage reverse, and then start.  The car would
creep backward slightly even with the clutch all the way down.

I was planning on installing a new clutch in the spring, partly because
I think my rear main seal is leeking air.  I REALLY don't want to drop
the tranny untill at least january (would be a real problem).  Can I
revive it?  I plan on flushing the fluid tonight (all I have to do is
put on my pressure bleeder and open the bleeder on the slave, right?). 
Any other suggestions/hints/etc?

Thanks alot,
Clutchless in North Dakota,

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