Alternate Oxygen Sensor P/N for '93 100CSQ Avant

larry leung l.leung at
Fri Oct 6 08:39:57 EDT 2000

Thanks to Smitty, Craig and Bob for their quick and timely reply, I knew that the function of oxy's were all the same, but didn't know if the fitment (thread size) were kept constant. Has been forwarded to my friend. Many thanks from him too!


------Original Message------
From: Robert Myers <rmyers at>
To: larry leung <l.leung at>
Sent: October 6, 2000 3:17:13 AM GMT
Subject: RE: Alternate Oxygen Sensor P/N for '93 100CSQ Avant

Any 3 wire Bosch OXS will work, Larry.  All except the OEM one will most 
likely require some cut and splice operation but they will all work.  An 
OXS is an OXS.  Period.  One wire is the signal wire, the other two are for 
the heater.  Typically the signal wire is black and the heater wires 
(interchangeable) are white but that's not necessarily always the case.  If 
that's what you find, a couple of minutes with a DMM will help you decide 
which wire is which.

At 11:07 PM 10/5/00, you wrote:

>Does anyone know whether or not the altenative FoMoCo oxy sensor works on 
>the above mentioned car ('93 100QA 2.8)? If so, does anyone have the 
>proper P/N? I have a friend who's codes read, needs new sensor.
>LL - NY
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  Robert L. Myers  rmyers at     Home 304-574-2372
  Rt. 4, Box 57,  Fayetteville, WV 25840 USA   WV tag Q SHIP
  '95 urS6  Cashmere Grey - der Wunderwagen    ICQ 22170244  MediaRing Talk 304-574-1166

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