"Better" is somewhat subjective

Theron J. Bliss tbliss at mestek.com
Fri Oct 6 11:37:36 EDT 2000

Point well taken.  I talked to the original poster, and we had a good
discussion about the pro's and con's of both the 4 cyl, and the 6 cyl.
And yes, I am new to the list, in my third week now.  I would love the
chance to meet you all at events.  Again, sorry (on my behalf) for the
immature nature of Unka and myself.  I'll try not to entertain that
logic (or illogic) again.
Thanks again.


Todd Phenneger wrote:

>  Now now you two,
>    I havent seen  "yer Kindly ol' Unka Bart" since the first QC Pikes
> Peak event and I've never met you Theron.  YOu seem new to the list
> but I could be mistaken.  I come and go as does Unka Bart.  But cant
> we all just be friends.  I dont know HOW this all got started and
> frankly I dont care.   So maybe Theron is a bit opinionated, I can
> name a few other listers on my fingers (and toes) that share that
> quality. (or vice depending on who you speak to).
>    We're all free to share our opinions.  I'm sure Theron thouth his
> comments were relevent.  Maybe on some degree they were.  (I dont
> know)   but Unka Bart does have a point.  Not all of us are after all
> out performance and there is more than one way to skin a squealing
> cat.  Lets let both groups live in peace.
>    As for the 4-cyl phenomenon he speaks of.   Its a fact of life for
> all 4-cyl engine.  You may not feel it but its there.  Take it away
> and youd notice it.  Its  just not often noticed as all 4-cyld have
> it.  Sure, you can have 250,000 miles on a 4-cyl.  I dont think Unka
> Bart implied differently.  He obviously just doesnt like the vibration
> harmonics of the 4-cyl engine.     I hear he's partial to Boxer's
> anyhow. :-)
>    But I must say,   All those V8's youv'e owned  (and that Vette from
> WAY back when)  have the same harmonics.  Its still basically 2-4cyl
> powerplants just with the harmonics fighting each other.  Why we cant
> all just move to I-5's and V-10's I dont know.    Or Boxer 6-s and
> 12's. :-)
> l8r
>    Todd  (smiling at the energy on this list right now, smells like a
> locker room)

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