fender flares

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Fri Oct 6 16:22:57 EDT 2000

There've been posts in the past, even a couple links to photos, on 5k cars 
that have had the rear wheel openings rolled, apparently with something 
like a baseball bat, to create a slight flaring and a bit more room for 
bigger tires.  The discussion must be in some archive.  If memory serves 
(not always a statement of reliability in my case), the photos sort of 
backed up a number of opinions that this process creates a car that looks 
like it was hit in the rearend and then had the trunk fixed.  Unless the 
flaring is done via body shop efforts, you do not end up with a 5k that 
looks like a V8 or a '91 2Cq20v.

At 02:34 PM 10/06/2000 -0400, Ameer Antar wrote:

>this reminds me....how/where/can you get fenders flared on cars like this? 
>I was actually considering it for an old Brit car project I have on the 
>side, but it might be cool on a 5k. Only thing is I don't know if it's 
>possible or feasible. Anyone know how much it would cost? thanks.
>At 02:11 PM 10/6/00, you wrote:
>>  First of all I just wanted to apologize for starting the arguments that 
>> all started with my original "tire wheel combo" post. hehe, it was kind 
>> of entertaining though! But now that we're all friends again I have 
>> another tire wheel question. I am going to arch the rear fenders of my 
>> '86 5KTQ, I want 17" rims because I can get a set of 17" Ronal Irmschers 
>> for $140 CDN but they are 8" wide and I don't know if they will clear my 
>> tie rods. This goes out to Todd and you other guys,if you have any 
>> suggestions on width of the wheel, offset, and tire size for a 17" rim 
>> for my car please let me know.TIA
>>p.s. No fighting this time eh?
>>Nik Brkic
>>1986 Audi 5KTQ
>>1990 Jeep Cherokee 4.0 (For Sale)
>>Vancouver BC Canada
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