timing belt

james accordino ssgacc at yahoo.com
Sat Oct 7 09:49:15 EDT 2000

--- Paul Heneghan <paul at heneghan.co.uk> wrote:
> The experts on this group seem to be of the opinion
> that some engines are
> static interference (i.e. if the crank is turned by

I believe most call it "valve float".  Every spring
has a point where it begins to compress more than
design specs.  This is trouble in the long term.  Ever
heard "dropped a valve"?  One or all of the spring
package has broken with that valve wiping out that
cylinder.  Less extreme is all the valves float and
just touch the pistons.  Maybe marks on the piston
crowns or bent valves.  All engines reach these
thresholds at some rpm.  Whether they can actually
achieve that rpm is another matter.

Jim Accordino

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