5K Hood & Wagon Pressure Cylinders

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Sat Oct 7 13:39:48 EDT 2000

They're available new from places like Blau and TPC.  Prices run $30-40 
depending upon application.

At 10:20 AM 10/07/2000 -0700, Steve Sherman wrote:

>I have a couple of 5K TQWs (and 86 & 87) which have a problems of
>dropping the hood and rear hatch onto my head.  Since the problem gets
>worse in cold weather it's probably time to fix it, e.g. replace the
>pressure cylinders.
>My question of the group is, are these pressure cylinders a dealer only
>item, or are there generic replacements that can be had at the local
>parts chains that work as well.
>Any experience (and part numbers) out there?

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