The prices in the Family Album

Jukka Majanen jiipm at
Sun Oct 8 20:58:50 EDT 2000

Hi All!

While the list was down, many listers seem to have sent me
directly a question: How to pull out the prices from the ETKA.
I though the list problem was in my subscription and asked a friend
to mail it for me, ´cause I´ll be off-lined for a week or two.

Came home and saw the list working again, so here is my exp:

I have a full installation in my hard, couldn´t make the light CD-version
work properly.

#1.Chance a filename preis.sav to preis.e in the folder: et_root

#2. Just double click the part You need in ETKA

My ETKA (5.3)  for some reason announces the prices in GBP:s,
but are in DM:s. Like a fuel injector >200 Pounds! OK it was only
third part of it, what a relief;)

Hope That Works

j-pm    ´91cq

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