5kcstq stereo system and other ramblings

Ken Keith auditude at neta.com
Mon Oct 9 12:16:07 EDT 2000

"Beatty, Robert" <BeattyR at ummhc.org> wrote:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From:	Ken Keith [SMTP:auditude at neta.com]
> > 
> > With the key on and engine off, the boost gauge reads 0.9.  When I 
> > wring the cars neck out, I get mostly 1.2 bar, with 1.3 bar 
> > attainable if I keep it floored for a while (time to let off or shift by
> > the time I get 1.3).  The SJM website seems to indicate that I should 
> > be seeing 1.4 bar, but I don't know if this is supposed to be at 1.0 
> > bar reading with the engine off.
> > 
> Most likely broken WOT switch (black box about 2" square about 3" to the
> left of the throttle linkage on the intake manifold) 

This is new, as are just about all the the vacuum hoses, and 
various gaskets.  New O2 sensor, new plugs, and some other stuff. 
 Michelin man hose on the way, although it's been inspected and 
doesn't leak.

> > It doesn't feel terribly fast, although I can feel the turbo coming on.
> > 
> > My a/c doesn't work (blow cold), the switch to close the sunroof 
> > doesn't always work, and the shifter seems to barely catch the 
> > gear a bit when I shift normally.
> > 
> Try haveing the AC charged and tested for leaks, SMJ's site should have a
> few tests to see if the compressor is coming on... try that first.

I had it charged and it blew cold for a very little while.  I have to ask 
the mechanic to look into it again, I guess.
> The sound system is ok if its working correctly, if not (like mine) you
> prolly want to switch to something you put in.  Keep in mind the front 6
> speakers are tied together with a crossover amp in the front doors....im not
> sure if the rear tweeters are crossed over on the rear amp or with a
> separate crossover.


Thanks for the info!


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