[s-cars] GIAC

Khan Klatt khan at mediaaccess.com
Mon Oct 9 17:48:24 EDT 2000

At 7:20 PM -0400 10/9/2000, Robert Myers wrote:
>Hi Y'all,
>I did a search for "Audi chip tuning" and came up with the usual suspects
>plus another I'm not familiar with.  The response gives this info: GIAC,
>proprietor Garret Lim - not associated with Garret Turbos.  Can anyone
>provide information about GIAC chips for the S4/S6?  In particular,
>comparison info regarding competitors' chips would be helpful.

GIAC is the famous designer of the "Garret chip" for VW/Audi lines of 
cars. Most performance oriented VW-VR6 drivers will know him, and 
just about as many will swear by his product.

There was even an article about him in Wired a year or so ago.

Website: <http://www.giacusa.com/>

I have not used his products, I have not heard about his products' 
quality in regards to Audi vehicles, but he has a very good 
reputation on the VW message boards.


Khan Klatt                                         khan at mediaaccess.com

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