130 mph club?

Tim Sexton 5kcstq at codenet.net
Thu Oct 12 15:17:42 EDT 2000

Hello All,
    I was reading some article at audiworld.com, which is kind of an
annoying site IMHO, about a fellow and his a4 1.8t trying to make a
130mph run on a 1 mile course.  Apparently, they run you once down one
mile, and if you equal or better 130 mph, you have to make the same
speed or greater on your pass back to make this 130mph club.  He only
managed a best time of 116.xxx mph, but it seems to me that the 200 20v,
or even a modified 10v should be able to clean up at that game.  I know
my stock 10v would do the speed, but don't know about making it in that
distance.  Might be kind of fun to try,  especially to beat all of the
other newer Audi's.
Tim Sexton

87 5kcstq  (148mph believe it or not)
89 200
94 90cs quattro sport
91 V8 5speed

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