on-board computer bulb

Peter Kirby peterk at nrs.mcgill.ca
Thu Oct 12 23:17:48 EDT 2000

The light for my on-board computer in my 1988 90Q appears to be burnt out.
The dealer is asking $23.57 CDN for a replacement bulb (893-919-040-C Bulb
Black) yet it appears to be the same as a 4A0-919-040-C Bulb @ $5.57 .  Does
anyone know if these are interchangeable or is there another generic bulb
out there that will fit?

Both bulbs with a black
plastic base are Osram 12/1.2 and look the same to me.  The 4A0...C has
13.0 ohms resistance and the 893...C (or 893...A) has 12.7 or 12.8 ohms.


Peter Kirby

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