US new car dealers (not just Audi-VW ones)

William Magliocco magliocc at
Sun Oct 15 05:39:04 EDT 2000

Speaking only for myself, I would agree that there are
many on the list that have an "attitude" towards the

Perhaps it is due to the way the dealers treat the
customers.  My big beef is when dealers play games in
the parts department.  I do most of my own service
work, and I'd much prefer going to dealer parts
counter that had personnel that would not be annoyed
when I wanted to buy actual mechanical parts-not
Porsche jackets or Jag leather polish, or a Land-Rover
coffee mug. 

I'd also prefer dealers that did not try and jack up
parts prices above Audi that vein, they
force me to use the local import shops & mail order
vendors even faster.

Frankly, I think many Audi dealers would wish the type
$$ models away for good. 

Dino, I've also had my beefs with droF dealers and
have heard of some hellacious problems with GM and
Scheissler stores too.  I was recently considering a
droF ruotnoC as my first new car purchase since 1983. 
The marketing approaches used make me think that they
assume the customer is a card carrying moron.

I just try and approach them as the snakes that they

Caveat emptor.

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