The Royal Wedding, an Audi event

Sean Ford audi_92_100cs at
Mon Oct 16 13:31:24 EDT 2000

Our friend Paul Royal ('90 90q20v, Rings Of Torture) was married over
this past weekend, to a wonderful woman (and Audi enthusiast), Bonnie
Irwin. True to Mt. Washington Audi Corral form, Paul insisted on an
Audi only parking area at the church! No lie, there were at least 10
Audis parked in a central area; everthing from the Royals dueling '90
90q20v to Ian Duff's new S4.  Of course, a professional photo was taken
with the happy couple amidst the group of Audi's and their owners. A
lovely event this, and I'm happy to have made the 4 hour trip to

This was an auto enthusiasts wedding, to be sure; a checkered flag as
the couple walked out of the church, chocolate Audi car keys as wedding
favors, track tips during dinner, and performance mods discussed at the

Of particular note, for me anyhow, was the inflappable performance of
my 9 year old '92 100cs. No, that is not incorrect math, my car was
produced in late '91. I left home with just under 60k miles, and my
average highway speed was 90+ mph with an average fuel consumption of
26+ mpg. I was extremely proud of my Audi, it more than held it's own
as we passed one Mr. Shultz (200 Avant) along with one Mr. Duff (new
S4), themselves en route to the Royal Wedding :-D

A very sincere congratulations to Paul and Bonnie (probably won't even
see this, since I'm never sure if Paul is subbed to the list or not),
premier host and hostess, and a very large thank you for the invite.

Sean Ford
audi_92_100CS at
'92 Audi 100CS 5-spd non-q
'00 Triumph Daytona 955i
'89 Suzuki Katana 600

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