I just love Audi dealers!

Thomas J. Donohue, Jr. donohue at netconnx.net
Mon Oct 16 20:33:11 EDT 2000

AH-HAH!!  No sooner do I describe my symptoms, than an intrepid lister comes up
with the same symptoms!  Now there are at least two of us looking for answers,
but Ryan seems to have a causal event for his!  My '91 had the airbag recall
done in 1997, long before I bought the car this August.  The PO bought the car
after that recall was done, from a highly reliable independent Audi specialist
that I have dealt with many times in the past.  I will contact both of them to
see if the AB light was present during either of their regimes, but I would
doubt it.  I'll post any answers I get; looking forward to any that anyone else
has too.  Regards. Tom

Ryan Hoitink wrote:

>         Well, it was bound to happen.  I brought my car in for the airbag
> recall.(About a month ago)  Since then, I had driven it approximately 30 or
> so miles, on one day.  Well, I go out to drive it this Friday night, and
> what happens?  Car will not start.  Turns over fine.  Check codes...
> camshaft position sensor... whatever.  Come back an hour later, and all is
> fine.  Car starts right up, and I clear the codes.  No problems since, after
> driving all weekend.  Anyway, once it started, the airbag light came on, and
> remained on for about 1-2 mins after car was started.  Turn off ignition,
> restart, same shit.  Every time it's started now, the airbag light stays on
> for a minute or two, and turns off.  Sometimes only about 30 seconds.
> Doesn't matter whether it sits overnight or only ten seconds without
> running.  SO,... I'm back at school, and have to have a family member take
> it in and deal with the incompetence of the dealer.  I knew I shouldn't have
> had the recall service done.  This is why I do all the work on the car
> myself.  The one time I let someone else do something, it gets screwed up.
> Well, the dealer will fix it, at no cost to me.  I won't accept anything
> else.  They will hear from me every day until they agree, but hopefully they
> will be sensible, and take responsibility for their actions.  Anyway, I'll
> keep the list posted.
> -Ryan

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