You are in a maze of little twisting passages, all different

james accordino ssgacc at
Tue Oct 17 08:38:37 EDT 2000

--- Peter McConnel <peter at> wrote:
> it was the '70s and i played a dungeon game on a
> Digital PDP 8(later on a
> PDP 11). the game interface was verbal only.
> sentences describing where you
> were and what was happening came up as you navigated
> the maze. left right up
> down forward and backward were the directional
> possibilities, and you would
> be prompted to pick up an item, or kill a dwarf,
> etc. i really don't
> remember
> much but the email signature on your Q list email:
> "You are in a maze of
> little twisting passages, all different" was the
> first prompt at the
> beginning of the game...
> i would be very interested in jogging my memory
> further on this. Who's email
> signature is this?

That's not my tag, but when I was growing up in New
Jersey in the 70's my friends dad worked for Bell
Labs.  He had a funky modem for a rotary phone, and he
hooked us up with that game (Zork, BTW) on the
computer at MIT.  We spent many long nights trying to
figure that thing out.  It was my first experience
with a computer.

Jim Accordino
Lord Dimwit flathead the excessive

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