4kq (5 bolt wheel conversion)

Todd Phenneger tquattroguy at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 17 12:22:38 EDT 2000

Pressing 5ktq hubs (or 5kt fronts) into the rear, and for the
front using 5kt or ur-q front struts.  I'm using 5kt but I have
the ur-q units on right now (the ur-q needs them back).  So I'll
post differences when I know.  Now, you'll need late model ur-q
slotted ball joints or you can drill out the 5kt struts to take
90q ball joints.  Good, now get some VW Golf tie rod ends from
an A1 or A2 golf and screw them onto the ends of the stock 4kq
Tie Rods.  THese fit the 5kt Tie Rod Hole on the strut.  Good,
now go get an Alignment.
  Have fun witht he new Brakes.   OH WAIT, you need to either re
do the brake lines from the MC or just do a hard line extension
about maybe 1 foot up the frame rail so that the 4kq lines will
work now with the new big brakes up front instead of in back
like on the 4kq.

--- TT <tomasie at wa.freei.net> wrote:
> Has anybody done a 5 bolt wheel conversion on their 4000
> Quattro? What does
> this entail?
> Thank you

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