The Royal Wedding, an Audi event

Lawrence C Leung l.leung at
Mon Oct 16 19:07:52 EDT 2000

Sounds like a hoot! Congrats to the bride and groom!


On Mon, 16 Oct 2000 12:31:24 -0700 (PDT) Sean Ford
<audi_92_100cs at> writes:
>Our friend Paul Royal ('90 90q20v, Rings Of Torture) was married over
>this past weekend, to a wonderful woman (and Audi enthusiast), Bonnie
>Irwin. True to Mt. Washington Audi Corral form, Paul insisted on an
>Audi only parking area at the church! No lie, there were at least 10
>Audis parked in a central area; everthing from the Royals dueling '90
>90q20v to Ian Duff's new S4.  Of course, a professional photo was 
>with the happy couple amidst the group of Audi's and their owners. A
>lovely event this, and I'm happy to have made the 4 hour trip to
>This was an auto enthusiasts wedding, to be sure; a checkered flag as
>the couple walked out of the church, chocolate Audi car keys as 
>favors, track tips during dinner, and performance mods discussed at 
>Of particular note, for me anyhow, was the inflappable performance of
>my 9 year old '92 100cs. No, that is not incorrect math, my car was
>produced in late '91. I left home with just under 60k miles, and my
>average highway speed was 90+ mph with an average fuel consumption of
>26+ mpg. I was extremely proud of my Audi, it more than held it's own
>as we passed one Mr. Shultz (200 Avant) along with one Mr. Duff (new
>S4), themselves en route to the Royal Wedding :-D
>A very sincere congratulations to Paul and Bonnie (probably won't 
>see this, since I'm never sure if Paul is subbed to the list or not),
>premier host and hostess, and a very large thank you for the invite.
>Sean Ford
>audi_92_100CS at
>'92 Audi 100CS 5-spd non-q
>'00 Triumph Daytona 955i
>'89 Suzuki Katana 600
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