chaniging the coolant

Geordie clarkeg at
Tue Oct 17 14:35:31 EDT 2000

So I went ahead and changed the coolant in my '82 coupe.

And I have noticed a difference of opinion between the Bentley and Haynes
manuals. the haynes tells me to remove the air from the block by loosening
the thermo time switch, whereas the Bentley does not bother to even mention
releasing the air. And besides, the picture of the thermo switch couldn't be
more different than mine. So where would I release these pockets of air, or
should I just follow the bentley instructions and leave it at that? I filled
the expansion tank and then waited for the thermostat to open, and then let
the electric fan come on. Anything about the air pockets in the block that I
should know?

'82 Coupe

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