Timmerman "Shrapnnel-Knobben" mod et. al.

Swann, Benjamin R. (BSWANN) BSWANN at arinc.com
Wed Oct 18 00:27:27 EDT 2000


Yes, I have done exactly that. Very Professional looking - mounted just to
the left of the removable plate which gives access to the relay plate above
the pedals.  I also mounted the on board diagnostics switch close by.  It
was tricky drilling the holes just so not to mess anything up cosmetically.
With patience I was able to achieve a factory look - 'cuse my modesty;>

I'll try to get that picture too with some of the others I just snapped.
The irony is I keep the thing pegged at the lowest setting - 470 ohm - I
have this in series as you dont want to see any less than this.

I did not locate a linear taper potentiometer which was in the range one
would want - about 0 - 1500 ohm.  The one I have is audio taper(radio shack
special)if I recall, and resistance goes up exponentially to 5k and then I
have a shut off switch built in.

I have found a setting of approximately 600 ohm to be optimal, but very hard
to set and calibrate.

In retrospect, I can't say if this is worth doing or not.  If you do, try to
find a linear taper 0 - 1000 ohm.  Putting the 470k ohm in series will make
sure you have a good range 470 - 1470 then cutoff.


'87 5kcstqw

From: "Livolsi, Stephane" <Stephane.Livolsi at investorsgroup.com> 
  To: "'Audi Quattro List'" <quattro at audifans.com> 
  Subject: RE: Timmerman "Shrapnnel-Knobben" mod et. al. 
  Date: Tue, 17 Oct 2000 16:29:22 -0500 

  This is great info.  Taking the leap into territory that I am only a bit 
  familiar with has anyone done or looked into wiring a potentiometer in 
  place of the resistor so that you could adjust the timing/fuel pump shut 
  off point as the situation requires.... 
  Any thoughts or BTDT? 


  >>To keep the fuel pump cutout from kicking in, you need to modify the
  >either by chip, or some less elegant way, eg. the resistor mod.  A 475
  >resistor is placed between pins 1 and 10 on the ECU pressure transducer, 
  >which fakes the ECU into getting the value for a lower pressure.  this 1)

  >make the fuel pump shutoff at a much higher point, somewhere around 2.7
  >and will advance timeing across the board.  I have modified mine so I can

  >set the value a bit higher as the timing with 475 ohm tends to be a
  >to much advance, especially on a hot day under load.  A fixed value
  >to 600 ohm may be a better bet. 

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