engine/turbo theory question

Todd Phenneger tquattroguy at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 18 01:54:20 EDT 2000

I HOPE the new cam changes that.   My KH tapers off at around 5k
and Really tapers at 5,500.  I'm hoping a quick change to the MC
will help it go to 5500 but if your results are good I may just
wait and then go to what you did.
  But I need the low end torque so I'll have to customize a bit
from what you did. I want it to breath better but dont want to
lose much down low.

--- JShadzi at aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 10/17/00 11:32:12 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
> tquattroguy at yahoo.com writes:
> << 
>  YOur High compression motor is probably building boost at 2k
>  RPM.  Mine does with roughly the same compression.  Only
> about
>  3psi but still something.  
>    Try this,  I have a few friends with 4kq's, etc.  4 of them
>  running around.  Drive in second at 2k RPM.  Both punch it. 
> The
>  NA motor will jump ahead untill a second or two later when
> you
>  build boost.  Then you'll SCREAM past them.   
>    At least this is my experience.  With 8.8:1 and k26.  But I
>  dont have the MC-2 electronics.  YMMV
>  l8r
>    Todd >>
>     Yes, I have noticed this toying with Hondas and such out
> on the road.  I 
> let them get a head start, I am not usually worried about
> catching them a 
> second later...I start getting boost right around 2k RPM,
> about 6 or so by 
> 2500, and all15 or so right about 3k.  Things really start
> heating up at 4k 
> RPM though, up to about 5500 where it tapers again...hopefully
> the new cam 
> will change that.
> Javad 

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