door handles (again) and my wisdom

Kneale Brownson knotnook at
Wed Oct 18 16:50:27 EDT 2000

Blau has  4K & 5K handles for $30-40 depending upon fronts or rears.  I 
think TPC occasionally sells them as a "weekly special"  for ~$30/

At 11:24 AM 10/18/2000 -0700, Keith Lawyer wrote:

>Ok, typical newbie question: is there an affordable
>source for new handles?  I seem to remember someone
>saying new could be had for like $30?  If so, from
>where?  This is for my '81 4k 2door, drivers side (of
>course).  BTW, that little 1.7l just never quits!
>   Also, any source for dome lights?  I love cheap
>plastic!  I see JCW sells a VW bug replacement that
>looks real similar but I'm sure it's smaller?
>   Please reply off-list 'cause I know this is an FAQ.
>I searched the archives and found a lot of people
>asking the same question (handles that is), but no
>substantial answers.  I'm not opposed to the repair
>kit and may go that route, but I *think* these handles
>are like the rear handles on newer 4ks, ie they just
>drop in, not attaching rods.  Do they sell repair kits
>for these?  Haven't had time to even look at it
>closely yet.
>   Ok, now for my wisdom which has probably already
>been mentioned on this list before:  If you're in a
>bind and you need a front handle for say, an '86 4k
>you can use a front handle from the OPPOSITE side of a
>Type 43, '78-'83 5k.  I needed a driver's handle for
>my beater '86 4k once, looked at my parts cars (type
>43s') and it occured to me the 4k pushed down while
>the older 5k's pulled up.  Used the front passenger
>handle from the type 43, once it was flipped over it,
>of course, pushed down.  Lock cylinder easily swapped
>over.  Only problem is it's chromed and sticks out
>like a sore thumb.
>   I also once installed a replacement handle on an '86
>4k where we couldn't swap over the original lock
>cylinder because the cylinders were different O.D.'s
>What is that about?
>Keith L.
>Apparently a member of team door handle for years
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