Coolant leak in 12v

Elliott Potter epotter at
Wed Oct 18 19:29:13 EDT 2000

That's also possible...the heater core would dribble out the same hose
as the A/C core, which empties right behind the passenger's wheel.

Kneale Brownson wrote:
> Not familiar with the 12v set-up, but is the heater core located similarly
> to on the Type 44, in the space between the top of the firewall and the
> bottom of the windshield?    If so, it's possible (given the coolant
> spotted behind the US passenger wheel) there's a leak in the connection to
> the heater core, outside the box holding the core but inside the well
> behind the firewall, and that the fluid ends up going to a drain in the
> bottom of that well.
> At 11:53 PM 10/17/2000 -0400, Elliott Potter wrote:
> >Stuart Friedman wrote:
> > >
> > > I have had this looked at my two very competent  mechanics, no identified
> > > source of the leak. I los about a quart every 2500 miles.
> > >
> > > On one occasion  I spotted some coolant on the ground behind the passenger
> > > side (US) wheel.
> > >
> > > Any hints on how to track this one down?
> >
> >Avi's suggestion (coolant line to the head) is a good place to start.
> >Also check for coolant running down the side of the head, i.e. bad head
> >gasket.  Check your oil and make sure it isn't foaming...rules out that
> >possibility.  Also you might pull your spark plugs and look for one
> >that's especially clean and shiny (again blown head gasket).  Feel
> >around the radiator fan thermoswitch, which is screwed into the bottom
> >passenger's side of the radiator facing the engine.
> >
> >Oddly enough, last time I saw fluorescent green fluid behind the
> >passenger's side front wheel, it was PAG oil from the A/C and not
> >coolant.  There aren't a whole lot of places for coolant to leak from on
> >that side of the engine ... on the driver's side you've got the oil
> >cooler and the reservoir and a bleeder screw but on the passenger's side
> >there just aren't many junctions.
> >
> >Speaking of bleeder screws, there's one on the hose that goes to the
> >heater core, which is nearly dead center on the top of the firewall (two
> >hoses).  The screw there is plastic and prone to crumble.  That's
> >another possibility.
> >
> >HTH,
> >--
> >Elliott
> >

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