Audis versus wives

james accordino ssgacc at
Wed Oct 18 21:38:43 EDT 2000

--- "Smeins, Larry" <lsmeins at> wrote:
> I can provide a copy of Adventure in CP/M complete
> with an Osborne I to play
> it on.  Both happen to be in the garage waiting to
> go into the trash.  The
> Habitat for Humanities recycle store refused it last
> weekend.

Time and technology march on.
> Audi content: The Audi gods hate my wife.  My 5kcst
> breaks every time she
> drives it.  Last night the drivers door would not
> unlock until I took the
> key from her and opened the door.

Anything mechanical hates my wife, and visa-versa.  My
more mechanical, the worse it is.  Of course the Audis
being over-engineered absolutely hate her.  I can
drive it 50K miles without a hiccup.  If she backs it
out of the drive, something breaks.  To her a car is
like a blender, nothing more.  I think that's why they
don't like her.  They can sense her indifference; the
fact that she thinks of them as appliances.

Jim Accordino

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