Journal of irreproducable results

Jason Stone jason_r_stone at
Wed Oct 18 23:37:04 EDT 2000

Thanks Mike!

This has got to be one of the funniest things that I
have heard for a VERY long time!!! 

Thanks for sharing it with me - helped me get through
an tired early morning!! :-)

l8r all
'91 Audi S2
'97 GSXR600 (to go!) 

p.s. I'm getting that tinkering bug again ... have
fitted slotter rotors up front and Mintex red box and
now am thinking of upgrading the suspension... if I
keep it long enough maybe even chipping it (if I can
convince the missus) although she doesn't mind
upgrading tyres, brakes and suspension cos they are
safety items... more power isn't .... 

p.p.s. Another aside for American listeners... saw a
1999 Audi S4 (2.7 V6 twin turbo avant) with 45K miles
on it for around 27K US / 18K GBP ... mmmmmmmm nice

> From: Mike Arman <armanmik at>
> Subject: journal of irreproducable results (indirect
Audi content)

>Ghosts in the manchine . . . thinks that go
bzzt->phttt-poof in the car, and
>all the smoke escapes, and you can never find out


> Final Diagnosis: "The computer is afraid of the

> Cure: Leave the room lights on all the time. 
> Machine worked fine, happily ever after.

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