200 TQ

Theron J. Bliss tbliss at mestek.com
Mon Oct 23 17:57:16 EDT 2000

  There is a 1991 200 tq for sale near me, which I haven't driven down
to see yes, but is supposed to be flawless.  It has 74k miles, and is
pearl.  I don't know too much about these cars, except what I saw of
Bretts this weekend.  Their asking $15,995 (dealer), which sounds kinda
high to me, but like I said, I don't know much about them.  How are
these cars compared to the V8's, in luxury options, power, and value?
Is this price in the playing field for a good specimen?  TIA for the

Theron J. Bliss
1990 V8 Quattro
194,000 miles
Lago Blue, Grey Connolly leather


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