Widest possible tires on a TYP89 sedan?

Todd Phenneger tquattroguy at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 24 11:35:33 EDT 2000

My Bad,
  Sorry.  Anyhow, I would still think that if you can do 225's
on a 4kq (which is tight) then you can on the 90q.  Where does
it rub first.  I've found on the 4kq that 35mm offset doesnt
work in back.  45mm is great in back but then your awefully
close to the tie rod in front and either have to grind it or get
some say 6mm spacers.  Maybe a similar setup woule work on the
type 89?

--- JShadzi at aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 10/24/00 1:32:07 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 
> tquattroguy at yahoo.com writes:
> << I SWEAR I've seen much larger.  I've seen 225's on a 91' CQ
> and
>  isn't it the same.  Differetn front suspension but is it THAT
>  different?  Seems to me you should be able to run 215's fine
> and
>  225's maybe.  esp with some creative work.
>  l8r
>    Todd
>   >>
>     No, they are not the same, the Coupe has much larger
> fender openings, 225 
> are easy, you can even go bigger on a coupe.  Also, the coupe
> has a wider 
> front and rear track.  I think with the perfect offset one
> could likely go 
> 225 section tires, 215 should not be a big problem, I have no
> issues with my 
> 205, seems to be plenty of clearance...
> Javad

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