get me off this list

Stott Hare stott at
Tue Oct 24 19:10:08 EDT 2000

  Is it necessary to copy the list while you deal with your assistant admin
duties?  While it is the prerogative of each list member to flame or not to
flame such technology impaired users, it would seem that you, in an admin
position, should be restricted by etiquette or something to flame said users
directly, without sending more NAC messages to the list...

my .02 on limiting NAC (whilst admitting that this didn't need to be copied
to the list either)

BTW, thanks for the help you give Dan in keeping this list a viable tool!

Stott Hare
85 Callaway 4ktq     89 100q    86 5ktq

-----Original Message-----
From: quattro-admin at [mailto:quattro-admin at]On
Behalf Of Brett Dikeman
Sent: Tuesday, October 24, 2000 4:25 PM
To: Mudballz at; quattro at
Subject: Re: get me off this list

At 11:46 AM -0400 10/24/00, Mudballz at wrote(after Brett
cleaned out his filthy illiterate mouth):

>Ive tried to get every possible  way to get off this f**king list please
>me off!!!!!!!!!
>ive unsubscribed to all e-mails listed

Launch your web browser.  It's that big "e" icon on the left side of
your desktop.  Type in:

Click on "mailing list"
click on "mailman lists"
click on "quattro"

now, scroll down(I know it's hard, but try your best) until you see:
"To change your subscription (set options like digest and delivery
modes, get a reminder of your password, or unsubscribe from quattro),
enter your subscription email address:"

enter "Mudballz at" in the cute little text box there
click on the adorable little button "edit options"
see where it says "To unsubscribe"?  READ THAT.

That was really "f**king" hard, wasn't it!

oh, and before you complain about not knowing your password(or worse,
enter your AOL password), look down a little bit more(I realize we're
taxing your brain big time, but hang in there) and read where it says
"forgotten your password?"

(hint: the button that says "email me my password."  You might want
to click it.)

Those web pages should look very familiar.  After all ,you used them
to subscribe to the list in the first place.

Brett Dikeman				Systems Engineer
CFN(formerly iClick, Inc)			914-872-8043
120 Bloomingdale Rd.			914-872-8100(fax)
White Plains, NY 10605
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