Get me off this list

Matt twentyV matt_20v at
Wed Oct 25 08:57:41 EDT 2000

> > >Ive tried to get every possible  way to get off
> > this f*cking list please get 
> > >me off!!!!!!!!!
> > >ive unsubscribed to all e-mails listed
> > >
> I must be dreaming!  They couldn't actually be this
> stupid?  It's got to be some kind of a joke, right?
Careful.  Does everyone hurling righteous replies to
this thread have first-hand knowledge that the unsub
can and does work?  Recently I knew I would be away
from email for a few days so I went to
and unsubscribed.  Lo and behold upon my return the
mailbox was stuffed with digests.  I haven't revisited
this since a new job will keep me firmly planted in
front of a PC for quite some time.  But maybe just
maybe the unsub doesn't work right?
Of course an alternative explaination is that I'm that
stupid too.  Wouldn't be the first time.

M.andatory A.udi C.ontent:  rev. 2 of the cone filter
heat shield installed on the 20V and no more rattles. 
Looks good, but none of this crap makes the thing go
faster.  Good thing I wasn't expecting it to!

Matt Rooke
'91cq- modified, still slow
'00S4- stock, very fast

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