Fwd: Re: Audis onTV

Brett Dikeman quattro at pdikeman.ne.mediaone.net
Thu Oct 26 11:10:38 EDT 2000

At 10:06 PM -0400 10/25/00, Muhammad Sohaib Bukhari wrote:
>V8 was not built in a diesel

Side note(I know you're referring to a Merc V8) but Audi's TDI engine 
now comes in a 250hp(I think) V8 flavor.

I'd love to know what that sucker sounds off the line :-)

Brett Dikeman				Systems Engineer
ProAct Technologies Corporation		914-872-8043
(formerly CFN[formerly iClick, Inc])		914-872-8100(fax)
120 Bloomingdale Rd.			http://www.proacttechnologies.com
White Plains, NY 10605
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