[all] DIY paint jobs

cobram at juno.com cobram at juno.com
Thu Oct 26 14:37:21 EDT 2000


If you can prep the car properly (this is really the expen$ive part),
supply your own paint (this way you know what you're getting), you should
go to your nearest Maaco (yes, Maaco) and ask them how much just to shoot
the car.  They are usually very reasonable, and the results are usually
very good, assuming good material, correct prepping.  I know of one very
high end bodyshop that unfortunatly is located in a town that will not
authorize any kind of spray booth, he rents a booth at a Maaco for $xxx a
day to do the paint work.  You could try this with any bodyshop, but
these chain places will give you the best price.

Like everything else, bodywork looks easy when it's being done by a pro. 
This is not the kind of thing you can get expert results with by reading
a book or web page, unless of course you're the main character in a
television show.  

Cobram at Juno.Com

On Thu, 26 Oct 2000 09:51:11 -0700 "Richard Miller"
<rdmiller at nwinternet.com> writes:
> Hello,
> After calling paint shops and finding out that it will cost 1500 for 
> a paint
> job I think I could do it my self. If I had some instruction. Are 
> there any
> website for auto painting as a hobby? I have 3 cars I would like to 
> paint.
> that will get expensive.

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