Subject: [all] DIY paint jobs

Matt Van Bogart mvanbogart at
Thu Oct 26 14:01:55 EDT 2000

I helped paint my first car @ 15.  Prep is THE MOST IMPORTANT part!  I swear 
the paint goes on like water.

Your local body shop supply or automotive paint store will give you all the 

Have a "practice" patient.
Yank windows, lights, handles, seals, door panels, etc
Primer, sand, primer, sand, primer get the point
Rent a paint both with filtration.  Well worth the money.
Get ready to wet sand all the runs.......LOL  BTDT

Last year I did all the body work and prep on my Scirocco, trailered it to 
Maaco (Don't laugh!) and they sprayed it.  They love that kind of work.  The 
paint turned out like a $1500 paint job.  Like I said before, prep is the 
most important part of the process.  BTW, Maaco squirted the car for $200, 
cash :)


Message: 9
Reply-To: "Richard Miller" <rdmiller at>
From: "Richard Miller" <rdmiller at>
To: <rx7 at>
Cc: "'qlist'" <quattro at>
Subject: [all] DIY paint jobs
Date: Thu, 26 Oct 2000 09:51:11 -0700


After calling paint shops and finding out that it will cost 1500 for a paint
job I think I could do it my self. If I had some instruction. Are there any
website for auto painting as a hobby? I have 3 cars I would like to paint.
that will get expensive.

any help?

Rich Miller

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