[all] DIY paint jobs

Todd Phenneger tquattroguy at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 27 00:43:00 EDT 2000

If you have a good gun to spray with  ($150 maybe) then you can
do it.  (and good air compressor of course).  But you will never
get prof. results without a clean paint room.  I always have
dust problems.  But if you can prep it yourself and then just
rent a spray booth then you can get pro results if you practice.

--- Richard Miller <rdmiller at nwinternet.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> After calling paint shops and finding out that it will cost
> 1500 for a paint
> job I think I could do it my self. If I had some instruction.
> Are there any
> website for auto painting as a hobby? I have 3 cars I would
> like to paint.
> that will get expensive.
> any help?
> Rich Miller

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