Snow tires

Jukka Majanen jiipm at
Fri Oct 27 12:24:47 EDT 2000


Todd wrote:
>What has changed on the Gislaved from the Nordfrost II's to the
>Frost's???   I just picked up an almost new set of Nordfrost
>II's and am wondering how they would compare in this comparo. 

I´m sorry, there should stay Gislaved Nord Frost 3 ( obs: 3 not 2 )

>Does anyone have any tests between these and the old studded
>Hakka 10's laying around from a few years ago?

I think it´s not very common to test old tires between the new ones.
But maybe You have a clue with this: Almost new ones with only 10%
wear and outperformed. Loosing the thread is not the only problem,
the rubber hardens. This helped me at my decision I´ll throw my
Hakka 10s ( still 70% left ) away and get Hakka 2s.

>  I a Nokian fan all the way but couldn't pass up 4 almost new
>Nordfrost's mounted and balanced for $170USD including Tax.
>  Todd

I believe that´s wise, not so big differences.


j-pm    ´91cq

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