heated seat woes

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Fri Oct 27 16:18:20 EDT 2000

Some seat heater fix links:


          http://members.aol.com/c1j1miller/index.html   (click on seat 
heater element repair)

and archives reports (I can't seem to open Audifans pages today) for "seat 
heater repair 101" by Jeff someone on or just before  9/4/99, and "heated 
seat fixed (5k)"  by Doyt Echelberger on or just before 7/2/99.  There also 
have been postings and repeated postings by Phil Payne under the title of 
Hog Rings or Hawg Rings (related to the rings used to tie the upholstery 
material to the seat structure), but I can't seem to find the printouts I 
made, so I don't know what dates they appeared.

At 10:25 AM 10/27/2000 -0400, Ameer Antar wrote:

>I  also have no seat heat. The driver's side used to work, but now I have 
>nothing. Does anyone know about heater replacements? Dealing w/ fine wire 
>doesn't sound like fun, and I would probably not be able to fix all the 
>broken parts. Are there OE/non-OE sources out there that would fit right 
>in? Anyone have experience in prices? Thanks much.
>At 09:22 AM 10/27/00, you wrote:
>>Seat heater wires, especially on the more heavily used driver seat, are 
>>prone to breaking down and burning out.  The fix (in the archives under 
>>hog rings or hawg rings) involves peeling back the seat covering, 
>>splicing  in around the burned spots and reattching the covering.
>>At 01:36 AM 10/27/2000 -0400, GTIPilot at aol.com wrote:
>>>Hi, I'm new to the list and a new owner of a 1987.5 Special Build Audi 
>>>  Problem I need a little help w/ is the heated seats.  Passenger side 
>>> works,
>>>drivers side does not.  I got under the dash and checked the relays.
>>>Passenger side relay allows 12volts to the passenger side plug to the seat.
>>>Drivers side only allows 5.6 volts to the plug @ drivers side.  I have
>>>swapped relays, swapped plugs, and I am guessing the heating elements in my
>>>drivers seat may be bad.  I have a Robert Bentley Manual, but it doesnt show
>>>how to 'test' em to see if they are bad.  Any help would be greatly

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