WTB: 4k light switch

Craig Lebakken lebakken at cdicadwa.com
Fri Oct 27 15:48:52 EDT 2000

Chris Perry wrote:

"I Agree.  I went through three switches in my old 4ks before I relayed the
parking lights.  After that I had no problems. BTW I never relayed the
headlights on that car.

In response to....

> One note of caution here.  It is important to relay the parking light side
> of that switch.  The contacts usually fail on that side not the headlight
> side.
> Pat Martin

I have yet to do this to my 4KQ, but I have a feeling I should. Is there a convenient place on the inside to pull power from? Or do you have to drill the firewall and grommet the hole to get to the fuse box?


Craig Lebakken
1986 4KQ

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