radiator options for 874kcsq

james accordino ssgacc at yahoo.com
Sun Oct 29 08:11:24 EST 2000

--- Andrew Lundy <fast928 at prodigy.net> wrote:
> I would say to just get a used radiator.  I almost
> always buy used part when
> something breaks.  So far so good!!

I use many used parts, but so far I've personally had
bad luck with used radiators for various makes.  YEMV.

> reasonable.  You can get one
> for your car for about ~$200(I looked your car
> up....a little more if you
> have a manual trans)!!!

I know this is apples and oranges, but for a point of
ref. I pay $160 for OEM radiators for the Type 44.

Jim Accordino

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