Wheel options for 5kt

Ameer Antar ameer at snet.net
Sun Oct 29 14:10:06 EST 2000

so a4 wheels fit all around w/ lowering? what size are these wheels?

I assume they're....16"x7" w/ 45mm offset.      is this true?

what would fit if it's 7.5 or 8" wide? The tire size is really what makes 
the difference in fender clearance [as long as center line hasn't changed], 
but it seems in the front there is a clearance issue between the wheel and 
strut housing. Would anything beyond 7" even work? Thanks.


At 01:51 AM 10/29/00, you wrote:
>In a message dated 10/28/00 11:04:23 PM Eastern Standard Time,
>pdooley at gte.net writes:
><< Just bought an 87 5kt.  Nice looking car except for the wheels.
>  Do A4 wheels have the same bolt circle and offset?
>  >>
>im running A4/A8 wheels on my '86 5kt...you can run either A4's or A8's all
>around, but i did the combo for better clearance (though if your car is stock
>ride height, it will clear just fine) i did the combo because i was
>anticipating lowering my car a bit, but i ended up keeping it stock.
>'86 5kt

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