Bond actors

G. P. Taylor gptaylor at
Sun Oct 29 14:14:10 EST 2000

I think the first screen portrayal was on Brit TV in the late 50's by Ian
Fleming.  Only one or two shorts made.  Maybe even classified as obscure.
Sort of like M. Spillane as Mike Hammer.

GPTaylor at

-----Original Message-----
From: quattro-admin at [mailto:quattro-admin at]On
Behalf Of Rave Racer 2000
Sent: Sunday, October 29, 2000 0100
To: Jim Haseltine; Todd Phenneger; kentmclean at;
quattro at; Kneale Brownson
Subject: Re: Diana Rigg, was S8 in Ronin

 > On Her Majesty's Secret Service.
> > > George 'What drink problem?' Lasenby as JB.

> >
> >         That's his name.  Everyone thinks the first Bond was Connery.
> >I tell them there was another they think I'm crazy and not knowing his
> >has bugged me for over a year now!  (The list is good for so much more
> >just Audis -Token Audi Content-)
> >                                                             RR

        I think first was the wrong word.  Sometimes it is difficult to find
an appropriate translation.  Maybe "only" or "best" or "original".  Connery
was certainly the first Bond, but Lazenby is deffinately the forgotten Bond.
IMHO I don't think he was to bad either.  I never much liked Dalton.

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