just thought I'd share...

Graham Thackrah ggthack at swansea.ac.uk
Tue Oct 31 13:13:57 EST 2000

Hi List,

Last weekend I was up in the Lakes for a 2 day mountain marathon in
surprisingly clement weather compared to the rest of the UK. We did badly in
the event but the car put a nice grin on my face. The field that passes for a
car park for two days of the year and a sodden field for the other 363, at the
end of the event was a quagmire. A bunch of enterprising kids on quad bikes
were charging a quid a shot for pulling cars out (1800 odd teams, averaging a
team per car, a nice little earner!) We got to the car, started it, got changed
out of our fell running gear and reversed out of the space and drove right out
of the field without even resorting to the diff locks. Superb. Also, 750 miles
round trip via my folks place in the Peak District and the thing never missed a
beat. I didn't pay as little as Tom did for his new 80:) but I did only spend
500 stlg (800 usd) on the car and it still surprises me how well it runs
considering... I think I'll treat it to an oil change.

Cost me 110 (170 odd usd) stlg in petrol though, ouch.

It is in the garage today having (clunk) the captive nut that holds (clunk)
one side of the prop shaft carrier bearing sorted out as it's made a recent
(clunk) bid for freedom.



1985 90q.

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