Mysterious Clunking Returns?!

DeWitt Harrison de at
Tue Oct 31 09:13:43 EST 2000

At 08:52 PM 10/30/00 -0500, Alexander van Gerbig wrote:
>     What confuses me is if something is loose, then how in gods name did I
>tighten it by pushing and pulling on the strut tie rod arms?  The tie rod
>ends have wedges that secure them right?  Maybe one of them is loose and is
>rocking back on forth in one of the tie rods?  When I pushed and pulled I
>locked it in deeper and then driving hard caused it to come loose?
>[ ... ]

It must be something like that, Alexander. My sincere sympathy for
a bastard of a problem. I don't know what more to suggest, really,
although I vaguely recall some old posts about oval shaped subframe
mounting holes in the frame causing problems. (Is the archive up?)
_Something_ is moving that should not be.

Have you seen these troubleshooting, six channel microphone sets
that allow you wire your car for sound? You tape the little mics
to likely spots on the underside of the car and run the leads back
into the cockpit.  A selector switch on the control box
allows you to select which of the six you are hearing while you
drive so you can identify the noise source. I'd be real tempted to
find one if I were in your shoes. A friend of mine got one to
figure out a weird front end noise. I don't think it was as expensive
as you might think.

Very best luck,


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