?- PN, '88 80/90

Mike Arman armanmik at n-jcenter.com
Tue Oct 31 14:08:39 EST 2000

>From: jDolan <jhdolan at sover.net>
>To: quattro-digest <quattro at audifans.com>
>Subject: ?- PN, '88 80/90
>Having a little difficulty putting my hands on a new heater core at a
>reasonable price. Once I get the new one, the difficulty becomes putting my
>hands on the old one, it appears.
>A friend has an Audi heater core on his shelf that he says I can have,
>barter, if it fits. He does not remember which model it fits. Probably
>little chance of the correct one, but here's the particulars from the box:
>Audi  AU9910
>Everco  H-2171
>Four Seasons  94652
>Modine  4R-702652
>Murray  279455
>Any help identifying this?
> Maybe someone else could use it, if we knew what it goes to.

Everco H-2171 crosses to Audi # 431 819 031 B

Fits 78 > 88 5000, 89 > 94 100, 89 > 92 200, 90 > 94 V8. All type 44 cars

Numbers not absolutely verified, came from an aftermarket heater core
catalog I have laying around!

What does your buddy want for it?

Best Regards,

Mike Arman

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