Boxster brakes on 4kq

Kaklikian, Gary Gary.Kaklikian at
Fri Sep 1 10:03:31 EDT 2000

I've been using 5x112 rotors drilled with a 4x108 pattern for a while on my
4000TQ and haven't had any problems with this. Initially, I used 5000TQ
rotors with G60's, but these calipers are way too heavy and don't dissipate
heat well. I'm now using redrilled A4 rotors (11.4") with Outlaw 2000
calipers. This setup fits under 15" wheels, but I could have used A8 rotors
if I was willing to stick with 16's.  The next set of A4 rotors I get with
be slotted, cryo-treated, and then drilled for 4x108, all for much less than
any exotic multi-piece rotors.

If the Coleman rotors/hats place the rotor far enough inwards to allow you
to fit the monoblocs, then great! The problem with the Audi rotors on the
4000Q is that the backspace from  the wheel spokes to the rotor is not deep
enough for any Porsche calipers. I've measured this with several types of
7.5" wide wheels with ET35-38 offset. Are you suggesting an alternative
strut also?

I don't see how any rotors of the same dimensions as the A8's will provide
enough backspace, but I'm anxious to hear the results of your prototype.
Good luck!

Gary Kaklikian
86 4kcstq
92 S4

> ----------
> From: 	Greg Amy[SMTP:grega at]
> Reply To: 	grega at
> Sent: 	Thursday, August 31, 2000 5:27 PM
> To: 	Quattro List (E-mail)
> Subject: 	Re: Boxster brakes on 4kq
> >>> A long shot, but has anyone come up with anything yet?
> >>> Check out
> I'm guessing that email was at the very beginning of the projects, and
> before the formal creation of BIRA, the Brake Improvement Research
> Association. Glen and I never pursued this because of the dearth of large
> factory rotors for the 4-bolt cars. We simply could not find a 4-bolt
> rotor
> that was big enough for our purposes.
> However, there's been a recent development with this project. BIRA members
> Alex V Gerbig (1988 Audi 80) has taken the tiger by the tail and sourced
> Coleman multi-piece rotors that match the dimensional design of the Audi
> A8
> rotor, but drilled in the 4x100 pattern. This will allow the 4-bolt cars
> to
> have the BIRA System 1 with the Boxster monobloc calipers and Coleman
> multi-piece rotors, for 16" wheels or larger. This will also allow any
> 5-bolt owners to use the same Coleman setup, drilled to 5x112.
> We are in the middle of testing and prototyping this 4-bolt design. We
> have
> verified the dimensions of the brackets required, and have delivered the
> first set to Alex for testing. There is not yet an expected date that the
> design will be released to the membership, nor is there any expected
> price.
> However, note that System 1 with A8 stock rotors costs members about
> $1100;
> the Coleman rotors with non-directional vanes are expected to cost $200
> more
> each, balanced, than the factory A8 rotors.
> We have no additional information to release publicly, but the BIRA
> membership will be kept apprised of all details as the project progresses.
> If you are interested in what we are doing I suggest you join BIRA or keep
> an eye on the web site for publicly-released info.
> Greg Amy
> ** Begin Quote
> I was browsing the archives today instead of doing work, and found this:
> "Fundsalo Racing will be working with Greg Amy to create a Boxster
> caliper-based big-brake kit for the 4KQ. This will be for use with 15" or
> larger wheels. I will be supplying a 4KQ strut and Boxster caliper to Greg
> for this project. Initially this will be for the front only, rear is a
> future possibility."
> ** End Quote
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