Audi's in Video Games

Livolsi, Stephane Stephane.Livolsi at
Fri Sep 1 16:44:12 EDT 2000

But you could enter a secret code (I believe it was "quattro") and then
you could drive the type 44.  No big deal though because the race cars
would still stomp on you severely....

Stephane Livolsi
Williams Lake, BC, Canada
86 5KTQ (If you don't know what it means, you aren't in the club)

>From: 	Per Lindgren[SMTP:lindgre at]
>Sent: 	September 1, 2000 3:10 AM
>To: 	quattro at
>Subject: 	Re: Audi's in Video Games
>There were some in Need 4 Speed (2?), but I cant remember if it was type44s
>urqs. They were all a part of traffic though, not race cars.
>92 100 2,8q Avant
>OnePoint8T at wrote:
>> i was at the arcade today & played a new game where you  Drive a mac truck
>> one point you get to pick what kind of cargo(logs,petrol,cars) you want to
>> transfer for points if you pick the car carrier its filled w/ Audis ( maybe
>> early 90s).
>> Does anybody know of other Audis in Video games ?
>> Matt in Napa
>> 98 Passat 1.8t
>> 88-90quattro
>> Italjet & Aprilia Scooters
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