Das Black Wagon is Fighting Me

Steve Jensen sjensen at mindspring.com
Sun Sep 3 23:51:02 EDT 2000

Remember when Alex G. was having so many problems w/ his auto to stick
conversion on his 80?
Well here's the kinda day I had:

I'm trying to get the wagon road-worthy before Road Atlanta at the end of
this month.  The car is a NJ and PA car, so salt corrosion is the rule.
Found the oil cooler lines weeping due to a split crimp where the salt ate
through it (have you checked yours lately?), so they gotta be replaced.  Had
a good cooler and lines off the parts car, so my plan was to spend today
replacing the oil cooler and lines.

First, the lines have a steel doughnut to guide the alternator/jump off
post/starter wires.  You either have to disconnect all the wires, or do what
a friend suggested and cut the steel doughnut with a Dremel, then bend the
loop out of the way and release the wires.  I choose the lattter, and after
spending some bucks I have a brand new Dremel to add to the arsenal.

But the old cooler has to drop out first, and one bolt is siezed solid.
Can't find my trusty can of PB Blaster, the official penetrant of
non-Kroilers everywhere.  So I pack up my 5 year old daughter into my wifes
minivan and head to the parts store.  As I was walking around to her door to
let her out after we got there, I smell coolant.  Not good, got to check it
when I get back home.

Buy the penetrant and some other parts and hop back in the van.  Start
cringing when the temp needle starts its determined march to the red zone.
I'm at a light, it's not stopping and steam is starting to appear at the
corner of the hood.  Daughter says "Daddy what's that smoke?" and I am
seriously toying with the idea of blowing the light to get off the road when
a county cop pulls up next to me!!  Arrghh, she's gonna blow!!  Light turns,
we limp across the intersection and make it another half mile and pull off
when its clear we can't make it home.  Pop the hood and the water pump is
yea and verily dead, spewing coolant all over the serpentine belts.

Call the wife, she comes to get us in the 5ktq.  Get home, call the towing c
ompany and call the usual shop to let them know the minivan's on the way.
Walk back outside with the parts that I bought when I realize one of the
good oil cooler lines has a pinch in it, like the engine fell over on it and
pinched it when we pulled it .  Double arrrgghh, now I have to go find
another one, or have one built!  Nuts!!

Sorry for the WOB, but I had to vent.  Hope your day was better than mine.

-Steve Jensen
87 5kcstq
87 5kcstqw

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