A typical Quattro lister...

Unka Bart gatorojo at earthlink.net
Mon Sep 4 17:36:26 EDT 2000

By which, of course, I refer to our brother, Craig Lebakken.

Those of us who know him, or even those who are even just momentarily
privileged to meet him in passing, know at once, that there goes a man of
rare perspicuity, considerable refinement, impeccable taste, and
unquestioned impeccable udgement.

"And how, kindly ol' Unka Bart, could the the average bear know this?" the
unwashed might ask.

Of course the answer is clear to members of the Quattro list, he is one of
us.  He owns an Audi Quattro, he is a legend among the fairer set for his
dashing good looks; and more telling yet, he is member of this list.  Just
like all of us.

Except me, of course.  I am old and curmudgenly and don't even own an Audi
any more; being cursed (as it were) to drive around in aging motor vehicles
with the motors in the wrong end...

But, thankfully, at least there was enough residual intellectual boost from
my membership to ensure that I have at least one vehicle with 4 wheel
drive.  Even though those four wheels are all on the same end..

Which prompts me to ask, does anyone know (stoopid question, better
phrased, "Will anyone tell me...") if a Quattro can be towed, four wheels
down, for long distances at highway speeds?

You see, I have this ol' ex-Grayhound, the "Motorcoach Gatorojo" and I'd
like to ditch the '89 Isuzu Trooper I normally (hey, "normally" is a
relative term, live with it, OK?) tow, with a replacement entitled to bear

Speaking of which, where the hell is my favorite former Cold-War Opponent,
(ex-Soviet Senior Lieutenant), Quattro lunatic, and noted Caviar and Vodka
Conniseur (I hate to tell him what happened to that jug of Stoly 'Crystal'
he left me...)?

Yer kindly ol' Unka whatizface

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